
Category: Long Zoom Cameras

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PowerShot SX1 IS PowerShot SX10 IS PowerShot SX100 IS
PowerShot SX110 IS PowerShot SX120 IS PowerShot SX130 IS
PowerShot SX150 IS PowerShot SX160 IS PowerShot SX170 IS
PowerShot SX20 IS PowerShot SX200 IS PowerShot SX210 IS
PowerShot SX220 HS PowerShot SX230 HS PowerShot SX240 HS
PowerShot SX260 HS PowerShot SX280 HS PowerShot SX30 IS
PowerShot SX40 HS PowerShot SX400 IS PowerShot SX410 IS
PowerShot SX420 IS PowerShot SX50 HS PowerShot SX500 IS
PowerShot SX510 HS PowerShot SX520 HS PowerShot SX530 HS
PowerShot SX540 HS PowerShot SX60 HS PowerShot SX600 HS
PowerShot SX610 HS PowerShot SX620 HS PowerShot SX70 HS
PowerShot SX700 HS PowerShot SX710 HS PowerShot SX720 HS
PowerShot SX730 HS PowerShot SX740 HS

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  ID Title Views Posted descending
ART173020 Capturing in RAW Format SX70 HS 10,424 Jan 4, 2019
ART173019 Changing Image Quality SX70 HS 3,172 Jan 4, 2019
ART173018 Shooting with AF Lock SX70 HS 1,800 Jan 4, 2019
ART173017 Easily Identifying the Focus Area (MF Peaking) SX70 HS 1,186 Jan 4, 2019
ART173016 Shooting in Manual Focus Mode SX70 HS 12,269 Jan 4, 2019
ART173015 Shooting Close-Ups (Macro) SX70 HS 4,111 Jan 4, 2019
ART173014 Disabling Centered Subject Display SX70 HS 754 Jan 4, 2019
ART173013 Avoiding Lost Subjects after Zooming In (Framing Assist – Lock) SX70 HS 4,150 Jan 4, 2019
ART173012 Adjusting the Constant Face Display Size SX70 HS 884 Jan 4, 2019
ART173011 Auto Zooming in Response to Subject Movement (Auto Zoom) SX70 HS 821 Jan 4, 2019
ART173010 Easily Reacquiring Subjects after Manual Zooming (Framing Assist – Seek) SX70 HS 2,918 Jan 4, 2019
ART173009 Locking Image Brightness / Exposure (AE Lock) SX70 HS 1,337 Jan 4, 2019
ART173008 Zooming In Closer on Subjects (Digital Zoom) SX70 HS 2,907 Jan 4, 2019
ART173007 Shooting at Specific Shutter Speeds and Aperture Values (M Mode) SX70 HS 4,174 Jan 4, 2019
ART173006 Shooting at Specific Aperture Values (Av Mode) SX70 HS 2,492 Jan 4, 2019
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