How to use the Jump feature to view my images on the EOS 5D
Article ID: ART100635 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 11/04/2015


How to use the Jump feature to view my images on the EOS 5D


During the single image, image with shooting information, index, or magnified image display, you can jump forward or back to images stored on the CF card.
1 Playback the image.

2 Go to the jump display.

  • Press the <JUMP> button.
  • The jump bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.

3 Jump forward or back.

  • Turn the <> dial.
  • To quit the image jump, press the <JUMP> button. The jump bar will disappear.
  • Turn the <5> dial to view the next or previous image

Single Image and Information Display

  • At step 2 above, press the <JUMP> button, then press <SET> and turn the <> dial.
  • The Jump method indicated on the Jump bar will change
  • Press <SET> to confirm the Jump method.
  • Turn the <> dial to jump according to the selected jump method.

Jumping during the single image or image with shooting information display Jump 10 images / Jump 100 images

Turn the <> dial clockwise to jump forward by 10 or 100 images. Or turn it counterclockwise to jump backward by 10 or 100 images.

Jump shot date

You can jump to a picture taken on a specific date. (If there are multiple pictures taken on the same date, the display will jump to the first picture taken on that date.) Turn the <5> dial to jump to the previous or next date.

Jump folder

Jump by folder. Turn the <5> dial to jump to the previous or next folder. The folder's first image will be displayed.

Jumping in the magnified view

Turn the <> dial counterclockwise to jump ten images backward, or turn it clockwise to jump ten images forward. The magnified position and magnification will be maintained during the image jump.

Jumping in the index display mode

Turn the <5> dial counterclockwise to jump to the previous 9th image or turn it clockwise to jump to the next 9th image.