Flip the Mounted Slides and scan the other side of the film

Article ID: ART101143 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Flip the Mounted Slides and scan the other side of the film


Rainbow Effect in Scanned Mounted Slides

This rainbow effect can be caused by slightly curled or warped film within the mount. When the light from the scanner hits these curled film sections, it causes refraction at the edges of the film. The type of slide mount may also contribute to this phenomenon. It has been noticed that a depressed area around the inner edges of the cardboard mounts is causing the film to sit up off the glass allowing a bit of light to reach an area that can refract between the film area, a portion of the cardboard mount, and the scanner glass.

Note: Turning the mounted slides 90 degrees prior to scanning may reduce the rainbow effect.

Possible Work-Around

Flip the mounted slides so that you are scanning them in such a way that a reversed image would result.

  1. Align the Film Guide's tab with the FILM symbol on the document glass of the scanner.
  2. Place the slide or slides face up so they are correctly viewed from above.

  3. Perform a preview scan by clicking Preview.
  4. At the top left of the ScanGear window, click:
    If thumbnail view is turned ON.
    If thumbnail view is turned OFF.
  5. Next, click the invert button on the ScanGear toolbar.

    This will flip all of the images horizontally so that they are now correctly viewed.
  6. Now you can proceed to scan.



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