Average recording length of movie files PowerShot SD990 IS.
Article ID: ART102530 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Average recording length of movie files PowerShot SD990 IS.


Movie Image Quality

Image Quality Table

640 x 480 pixels, 30 frames / sec. This setting will produce standard movies.
320 x 240 pixels, 30 frames / sec. Since the number of recording pixels is smaller, the image quality will be lower than the 640x480 setting, but you can record three times the length.

Estimated Shooting Time

Image Quality (Frame Rate)

Shooting Time

32 MB Supplied

2 GB

8 GB

640 x 480

22 sec.

23 min. 49 sec.

1 hr. 35 min. 11 sec.

320 x 240

1 min. 12 sec.

1 hr. 13 min. 10 sec.

4 hrs. 52 min. 24 sec.

  • Based on Canon's testing standards
  • Max. recording clip is approx. 1 hour.
  • Recording also stops when the file size reaches 4 GB.
  • Depending on the memory card, recording may stop even if the max. clip length has not been reached. Use of SD Speed Class 4 or higher memory cards is recommended.