Using the HD/SD SDI Terminal with the XH G1S
Article ID: ART103771 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Using the HD/SD SDI Terminal with the XH G1S


Activate the HD/SD SDI output and select the appropriate video output option (HD or SD).

  1. Open the menu and select [SIGNAL SETUP]. Select [SDI OUTPUT] and set it to [ON] or [ON(OSD)].

  2. From the same [SIGNAL SETUP] submenu select [SDI SPEC.]. Select [AUTO] or [SD LOCKED] to match the video output you wish to use.


  • When [SDI OUTPUT] is set to [ON(OSD)], will appear on the screen and on-screen displays will be included in the video signal output from the SDI terminal.
  • The on-screen displays included in the video output signal are determined by the display level selected with the DISP. button. Markers (safety zone guide, level/grid markers, etc.) are never included in the video signal output.
  • The [SIGNAL SETUP] > [COMP.OUT] setting is not available.