Setting Focus Bracketing PowerShot G10.
Article ID: ART103884 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Setting Focus Bracketing PowerShot G10.


Focus Bracketing (Focus-BKT Mode)

The camera automatically takes three shots: one at the manual focus position, and one each with focus positions preset farther and nearer. The three shots are taken at the same interval as continuous shooting.

The farther and nearer focus positions can be set in three steps: large, medium and small.

The Focus-BKT mode is not available when shooting with the flash on. Only one image at the manual focus position will be taken.

  1. Power the camera on in the P, Tv, Av, or M mode. (This function is only available using the Creative Modes).
  2. Press the <FUNC./SET> button and select * (BKT-Off) and select (Focus-BKT) and then press the MENU button.

    * The current setting is displayed.

  3. Set the amount of focus position offset with the or button.

    - Press the button to broaden the distance or the button to narrow the focusing distance from the center you can also use the Main Control Dial.

    The range cannot be adjusted when the LCD monitor is off, even if you press the <FUNC./SET> button. Focus Bracketing operations are carried out with the currently selected range.

  4. Press the <FUNC./SET> button and shoot the image using the MF (Manual Focus).