Battery power indicator for the PowerShot G10.
Article ID: ART104543 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Battery Indicator for PowerShot G10.

  • The position and shape of the operation buttons, screens displayed, and setting items may differ according to the model you use

Turn on the camera, and the battery icon will appear on the right top of the LCD monitor. If the icon does not appear, press the <DISP.> () button several times.

The indicators and the status of the remaining battery charge are as follows.

Sufficient battery charge.

Recharge the battery soon for extended use.

(Blinking red) Low battery charge. Recharge the battery.

If the message [Change the battery pack.] appears on the LCD monitor, the battery charge is low and the camera cannot be operated. Recharge the battery immediately.