What the Log Viewer does in the VB-C10 / VB-C10R software
Article ID: ART104599 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


What the Log Viewer does in the VB-C10 / VB-C10R software


The VB-C10/VB-C10R includes a feature that writes operating status to a log file and saves it. Log Viewer simplifies the reading of log files and provides management and resolution of errors. Log Viewer not only displays all logs, it is also capable of filtering so that only the required information is displayed.

Viewing Logs

When Log Viewer is started up from the VBAdmin Startup Panel, it automatically retrieves the most recent log file and displays the recent logs.

The following content is displayed in the log.


The log displays error codes. For error codes, refer to chart further below

Error codes are displayed with one of four types of icons according to level.

Date & Time

The date and time when the log was generated is displayed.


Log messages are displayed.

Using selection criteria to display logs

Logs can be filtered according to type, code, or date and time so that only the required information is displayed.

To Set Selection Criteria...

1. Choose "Filter" from the View menu.

2. The Filter dialog box appears. Set the following selection criteria and click the "OK" button to display only the logs that match those criteria. If filtering is not required, click the "Cancel" button.

[Error Type]

If logs are to be filtered according to type of error, select the "Specify Type" or "Specify Code"; if not, select the "Not Specified".

Specify Type

Specifying the levels of the logs

From Error, Warning, and Information, select the error levels to be displayed.

Specifying the modules that output the logs

From Application, HTTP Sever, System, and Driver, select the output source modules to be displayed.

Specify Code

Specify the error code of the logs. The error codes of the logs are compared to the characters that are entered and only logs with matching error codes will be displayed. For example, if "A0" is entered, logs whose error codes start with "A0" will be displayed.

[Date & Time]

Specify Start Date & Time

Logs generated after the specified date and time can be displayed.

Specify End Date & Time

Logs generated before the specified date and time can be displayed.