How to install the CF card into the EOS 10D

Article ID: ART104921 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


How to install the CF card into the EOS 10D


The captured image will be recorded onto the CF card (optional).

The camera is compatible with Type I and Type II CompactFlash (CF) cards.


Open the cover.

  • Slide the cover in the direction shown by the arrow, and open it.

Insert the CF card.

  • Using CF cards made by Canon is recommended.
  • With the CF card label side (the side with the printed mark) facing toward the rear of the camera, slide the card in the direction of the mark, into the slot.
  • The Eject button pops out.

Close the cover.

  • Close the cover and slide it in the direction shown by the arrow until it clicks shut.
  • When you set the <> switch to <ON>, the
  • number of remaining shots will be displayed on the
  • LCD panel and in the viewfinder.

The number of remaining shots depends on the remaining capacity of the CF card and the ISO speed setting.


Open the cover.

  • Set the <> switch to <OFF>.
  • Check that the "BUSY" message is not shown on the LCD panel.
  • Make sure the access lamp is off, and open the cover.

Remove the CF card.

  • Press the Eject button.
  • The CF card is ejected.
  • Close the cover.
  • While the access lamp is blinking (" " is displayed in the viewfinder and on the LCD panel), do not:
  • Shake or hit the camera.
  • Open the CF card slot cover.
  • Remove the battery.
  • This is to prevent damage to the image data, CF card, or camera.
  • The menu cannot be used during image processing after image capture and while the image is being recorded onto the CF card (access lamp blinks). If you press the <MENU> or <> button during this time, "BUSY" will be displayed on the LCD monitor.
  • If a CF card is used for the first time or "Err CF " is displayed on the LCD panel, format the card.
  • Do not use a low-capacity CF card. If the image file size is large, the CF card may not be able to save the image.
  • A microdrive is a recording medium using a hard disk. It has a large capacity and the price per megabyte is low. However, compared to a CF card equipped with a flash memory, it is vulnerable to vibration and physical shock. If you use a microdrive, be careful not to subject the camera to vibration, shake, or physical shock while it is recording or displaying images.



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