How to select processing parameters on the EOS 10D

Article ID: ART104924 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


How to select processing parameters on the EOS 10D


The image you capture can be processed automatically by the camera in accordance with the parameter settings you set (five settings each for [Contrast], [Sharpness], [Saturation], and [Color tone]). You can register and save up to three sets of processing parameters. By selecting [Standard], all the parameter settings will be reset to [0].

On the menu, select [Parameters].

  • Press the <MENU> button.
  • Turn the <> dial to select [Parameters], then press <SET>.

Select [Set up].

  • Turn the <> dial to select [Set up], then press <SET>.
  • The default parameter settings for [Set 1], [Set 2], and [Set 3] are all [0] (Standard).

Select the Set No.

  • Turn the < > dial to select [1], [2], or [3], then press <SET>.

Select the parameter.

  • Turn the <> dial to select the parameter, then press <SET>.
  • The parameter selection will change in the following loop:

Set the parameter.

  • Turn the <> dial to set the parameter, then press <SET>.
  • Each parameter can be set to one of five settings.

Return to the [Parameters] menu.

  • Press the <MENU> button twice to return to step 1.
  • Then press <SET>.

Select the Set No. that was set.

  • Turn the <> dial to select [Set 1], [Set 2], or [Set 3], then press <SET>.
  • After the setting is completed, the menu will reappear.
  • To exit the menu and turn off the LCD monitor, press the <MENU> button
  • With the parameters already set, when you set the <> switch to <ON>, the camera will start up and display "EOS " on the LCD panel until it is ready for shooting. Then the parameter settings will be displayed. If [Set 1], [Set 2], or [Set 3] has been set, "PR-1 ","PR-2 ", or "PR-3 " will be displayed. And if [Adobe RGB] has been set, "PR-A " will be displayed.
  • With C.Fn-01-2, you can set [Parameters] by pressing <SET> and turning the < > dial while looking at the LCD panel.



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