Using Color Accent and Color Swap modes with the PowerShot G10.
Article ID: ART105156 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Using Color Accent and Color Swap modes with the PowerShot G10.



Color AccentUse this option to have only the color specified in the LCD monitor remain and to transform all others to black and white.
Color SwapUse this option to transform a color specified in the LCD monitor into another. The specified color can only be swapped into one other color, multiple colors cannot be chosen.

Changing the Save Method for the Original Image

Shooting in the Color Accent Mode.

1. Select the Color Accent Mode:

Still Image:

- Set the mode dial to the SCN mode.

- Use the control dial to select .


- Set the mode dial to .

- Use the control dial to select .

2. By pressing the <DISP.> button the camera will switch to color input mode and the display will alternate between the original image and the color accent image (using the previously set color).

3. Aim the camera so that the color you wish to retain appears at the center of the LCD monitor and press the button.

  • Only one color can be specified.
  • You can use the or button to specify the range of colors that are retained.

• -5: Only takes the color that you want to retain.

• +5: Also takes colors close to the one that you want to retain.

4. Press the [DISP.] button to complete the setting and then shoot.

  • The default color accent is green.
  • You may not obtain the expected results after color input mode if you use the flash, or change the white balance or metering settings.
  • The chosen Color Accent is retained even if the camera's power is turned off.

Shooting in the Color Swap Mode.

1. Select the Color Swap mode:

Still Image:

- Set the mode dial to the SCN mode.

- Use the control dial to select .


- Set the mode dial to .

- Use the control dial to select .

2. By pressing the [DISP.] button, the camera will switch to color input mode and the display will alternate between the original image and the color swap image (using the previously set color).

3. Aim the camera so that the original color appears at the center of the LCD monitor and press the button.

  • Only one color can be specified.
  • You can use the or button to specify the range of colors that are retained.

• -5: Only takes the color that you want to retain.

• +5: Also takes colors close to the one that you want to retain.

4. Aim the camera so that the desired color appears at the center of the LCD monitor and press the button.

• Only one color can be specified.

5. Press the [DISP.] button to complete the setting and then shoot.

  • The default setting for color swap mode changes green into white.
  • You may not obtain the expected results if you use the flash.
  • The colors specified in the color swap mode are retained even if the camera's power is turned off.

Changing the Save Method for the Original Image.

When you are shooting still images in the Color Accent or Color Swap mode, you can specify whether or not the altered image and the original image are recorded.

  1. In the (Rec.) menu, select [Save Original].

  2. Use the or button to select [On] or [Off] then press the <MENU> button.

    • The display will return to the shooting screen.
    • Select [On] to record the original image also or [Off] to not record it.
    • If [On] is selected, the two images will be numbered consecutively with the altered image following the original.
Save Original is Set to [On]
  • Only the altered image is shown in the LCD monitor during shooting.
  • The image that appears in the LCD monitor immediately after recording is the altered image. If you erase the image at this point, the original image is erased along with the altered image. Exercise adequate caution before deleting a file.
  • Since two images are recorded with each shot, the number of shots remaining is approximately half the number displayed when this function is set to [Off].