Driver related changes in Photoshop CS5.
Article ID: ART106832 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


There are several distinct differences with driver related changes between CS4 and CS5.


There are several distinctive differences with driver related changes between Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS5.

  1. In Photoshop CS5, "Page Setup" from the "File" menu has been removed.

  2. "Page Setup" in the Print window has been changed to "Print Settings".

  3. The behavior of the "Print" button in the Print window is different.
    CS4 - When you press the "Print" button in the Print window, the driver UI window appears. You have to press the "OK" button to start printing.
    CS5 - When you press the "Print" button in the Print window, printing starts without showing the driver UI.

  4. If "Photoshop Manages Colors" in CS4 is set in the Print Window, the list of printer profiles shows working profiles and profiles prepared by Adobe in the upper area. In CS 5, it shows the registered printer profiles in the upper area.

  5. In the Mac version of CS5, "No Color Management" has been removed from the color handling options in the print window. (This applies only to Mac)