Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax) (MF9200 Series)
Article ID: ART108829 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/16/2015


Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax)


Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax)

To attach a cover sheet to the fax, follow the procedure below.

  • The number of destinations to which you can send simultaneously depends on how a cover sheet is attached. For details, click [Help] in the bottom right-hand corner of the fax driver window to view the online help.
  • The display may differ according to the operating system and system environment.

1. Display the [Sending Settings] sheet in the [Fax Sending Settings] dialog box.

2. Select an option for attaching the cover sheet to the fax from [Cover Sheet Attachment].

Select one of the following options:

  • [None]
  • [Different Sheet to Each Destination]
  • [Same Sheet to All Destinations]

3. Select a cover sheet template from [Style].

4. Click [Settings] to specify the items to include on the cover sheet.

If you do not specify the items to include on the cover sheet, proceed to step 12.

The [Item Settings] dialog box is displayed.

5. Select check boxes according to the information you want to print on the cover sheet in the [Sender] sheet m² enter the information in the text boxes for the selected items.

You can specify the following items:

  • [Include Sender Name (TTI)]
  • [Include Company]
  • [Include Dept./Div.]
  • [Include Fax Number]


You can save the information entered in the [Sender] sheet in a file by clicking [Save Sender]. Then, when you send a fax, you can import the information by using [Import Sender], instead of entering the sender information each time you send a fax.

6. Select check boxes according to the information you want to print on the cover sheet in the [Destination] sheet.

You can specify the following items:

  • [Include Destination Name]
  • [Include Company]
  • [Include Dept./Div.]
  • [Include Fax Number]


The information of the destinations specified in the [Sending Settings] sheet prints on the cover sheet.

7. Display the [Logo] or [Signature] sheet.

8. Select [Print with Logo] or [Print with Signature] to include a logo or signature on the cover sheet.

9. Click [Browse] to select a bitmap logo or signature file name for [File Name] m² specify the magnification and position of the selected logo or signature.

10. Select [Include Number of Sheets to Send] in the [Sheets to Send] sheet m² enter the number of sheets you are going to send as a fax.


The number of sheets is not counted automatically. The number which you entered manually is shown on the cover sheet.

11. Click [OK].

The [Fax Sending Settings] dialog box is displayed.

12. Select [Insert Attention Note] to insert an attention note m² select a note from [Attention Note].


You can also enter the characters you want to insert. You can enter up to 30 characters.

13. Enter any other information you want to include on the cover sheet in [Comment to include].

14. Click [Preview] if you want to check the preview image on the cover sheet.

15. Click [OK].

The specified cover sheet is attached to the fax when the fax is sent.