How to apply a Picture Style File to an Image Using Digital Photo Professional Ver. 3.10.
Article ID: ART109301 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 11/04/2015


How to apply a Picture Style File to an Image Using Digital Photo Professional Ver. 3.10.


Follow the procedure below to apply a Picture Style file to an image.

1. Save the Picture Style file that you will apply to images on your computer.

2. Start Digital Photo Professional and display a RAW image.

3. In the main window, double-click the RAW image to which you will apply the Picture Style file to display the Edit Window and tool pallete.


If the tool pallete does not appear, select [Tool Pallete] from the [View] menu in the Edit Window.

4. Select the [RAW] tab in the tool pallete to click the Picture Style [Browse] .

5. In the [Open] dialog box that appears, select the Picture Style file you will apply, and then click [Open].

([CLEAR] is selected here as an example.)

6. The Picture Style file selected will be applied to the image.

This completes to the process of applying a Picture Style file to an image.