Fax sending methods MX420
Article ID: ART109779 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Fax sending methods on the machine.


Sending Faxes

This section describes dialing and sending faxes directly using the Numeric buttons.

Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons

Redialing the Number Dialed with the Numeric Buttons

Sending a Fax Using the Speed Dialing Feature

Sending the Same Document to Several Recipients (Sequential Broadcasting)

Sending a Fax after Speaking on Telephone

Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons


If you enter or register an incorrect fax/telephone number with the Numeric buttons, the fax will be sent to an unexpected recipient. When sending an important fax, we recommend sending the fax after confirming the recipient's condition.

For details, refer to "Sending a Fax after Speaking on Telephone"

You need to prepare:

Originals to send.

  1. Prepare for sending a fax.

    (1) Make sure that the power is turned on.

    (2) Press the FAX button.

    The fax standby screen will appear.

    (3) Load the original in the ADF or on the Platen Glass.


When sending a double-sided document, load the document on the Platen Glass. Double-sided documents cannot be automatically scanned and sent from the ADF.

  1. Adjust the scan resolution and contrast as necessary.

    (1) Press the right Function button to select TX image qlty.

    The TX image quality settings screen will appear.

    (2) Use the Left or Right button to select the scan resolution.

    Standard: Suitable for text-only documents.

    Fine: Suitable for fine-print documents.

    Extra fine: Suitable for detailed illustration or fine-print quality documents.

    If the recipient's fax machine is not compatible with Extra fine (300x300dpi), the fax will be sent in the Standard or Fine resolution.

    Photo: Suitable for photographs.


When sending a color fax, documents are always scanned in the same resolution (200x200dpi). The image quality (compression rate) is determined by which scan resolution is selected, except that Extra fine and Photo provide the same image quality.

(3) Press the Down button.

(4) Use the Left or Right button to select the scan contrast.


(5) Press the OK button.

The screen will return to the fax standby screen.

  1. Send the fax.

    (1) Use the Numeric buttons to dial the recipient's fax/telephone number.

    The following operations are available.

    - Press a Numeric button to enter that number.

    - Press the Right button to enter a space.

    - Press the Left button to delete the last character you entered.

    - Press the # button to enter "#", and the Tone button to enter "Star sign".

    - Press the Redial /Pause button to enter a pause "P".



If you press the left Function button to select Add recipient, you can add recipients by selecting fax numbers registered to a coded speed dial and/or group dial.

(2) Press the Color button for color sending, or the Black button for black & white sending.

The machine starts scanning the original.


Color sending requires that the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.
Do not open the Document Cover until scanning is completed.

(3) Start sending.

When the document was loaded in the ADF

The machine scans the document automatically and starts sending the fax.


To cancel sending the fax, press the Stop button, and follow the message on the LCD.
If documents remain in the ADF after pressing the Stop button, follow the message and press the OK button. The remaining documents are automatically fed out.

When the original was loaded on the Platen Glass

The message will appear after scanning the original.

To send the scanned page, press the OK button to start sending it.


To send two or more pages, follow the message to load the next page, and press the Color or Black button. After scanning all pages, press the OK button to start sending.
To cancel sending the fax, press the Stop button.


When your machine is connected to a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) system, refer to the operating instructions of the system for details on dialing the recipient's fax/telephone number.

Automatic redialing
When the recipient's line is busy, the machine will redial the number after a specified interval.
Unsent documents
Unsent documents, such as those pending redial, are stored in the machine's memory. They are not stored in the case of a sending error.
Do not disconnect the power plug until all documents are sent. If you disconnect the power plug, all unsent documents stored in the machine's memory are lost.

Redialing the Number Dialed with the Numeric Buttons

  1. Prepare for sending a fax.

    (1) Make sure that the power is turned on.

    (2) Press the FAX button.

    The fax standby screen will appear.

    (3) Load the original in the ADF or on the Platen Glass.

  2. Adjust the scan resolution and contrast as necessary.

See step 2 in Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons.

  1. Select the recipient to redial.

    (1) Press the Redial/Pause button.

    The fax/telephone numbers dialed with the Numeric buttons will appear.


The redial list shows 10 fax/telephone numbers from the latest one.

(2) Use the Up or Down button (Scroll Wheel) to select the fax/telephone number to redial.


(3) Press the OK button.

The selected number will appear on the fax sending screen.

  1. Send the fax.

    (1) Press the Color button for color sending, or the Black button for black & white sending.

    The subsequent procedure varies depending on whether to load the original in the ADF or on the Platen Glass.

    For details, see (3) of step 3 in Sending a Fax with the Numeric Buttons.

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Sending the Same Document to Several Recipients (Sequential Broadcasting)

This machine allows you to prepare for sending the same document to multiple recipients (max. 101 recipients for MX880 series, 21 for MX420 series) in one operation. The recipients can be specified with the Numeric buttons, coded speed dial, and group dial in combination.

The following number of recipients can be specified in combination.

  • The recipient registered to the machine (coded speed dial or group dial):

    Up to 20 for MX420 series

  • Dialing using the Numeric buttons or redialing:



  • It may be possible that faxes will reach unintended recipients due to the misdialing or incorrect registration of fax/telephone numbers. When you send important documents, it is recommended that you send them one by one after speaking on the telephone. For details, see Sending a Fax after Speaking on Telephone.


  • If you frequently send documents to the same group of recipients, you can group these numbers for group dialing. This will allow you to send documents to all the recipients in the group by simply pressing a few buttons.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the FAX button.

    The Fax standby screen is displayed.

  3. Load documents on the Platen Glass or in the ADF.

  4. Adjust the scan contrast and resolution as necessary.


    • For details on how to adjust the scan contrast and resolution, refer to Faxing.

  5. Specify all recipients' fax/telephone numbers one by one.

    Before finishing specifying all recipients' fax/telephone numbers, do not press the Color button or the Black button.

    • By specifying with the recipient registered to the machine (coded speed dial or group dial):

      Press the Coded Dial button, select a recipient, then press the OK button.

    • By dialing using the Numeric buttons:

      Use the Numeric buttons to enter the recipient's fax/telephone number, then press the left Function button.


      • If FAX number re-entry in Security control under FAX settings is set to ON, use the Numeric buttons again to enter the number.

        Security control

    • By redialing:

      Press the Redial/Pause button, use the UPDOWN button to select the number you want to dial, then press the OK button.

    The Sequential broadcasting screen is displayed after specifying the multiple recipients.

    figure: LCD


    • You can review the numbers you have entered by pressing the UPDOWN button on the Sequential broadcasting screen.

    • Pressing the Back button allows you to delete the recipient's number you entered last.

  6. Press the Color button for color transmission, or the Black button for black & white transmission.


    • Color transmission is available only when the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.


  • To cancel sequential broadcasting, press the Stop button. To cancel a fax transmission while it is in progress, press the Stop button, then follow the instructions on the LCD.

  • If documents remain in the ADF after the Stop button is pressed while scanning is in progress, Document in ADF. Press OK to eject document. is displayed on the LCD. Press the OK button and follow the instructions on the LCD to automatically feed out the remaining documents.

  • When you press the Stop button, fax transmission to all the recipients specified in step 5 will be canceled. You cannot cancel a fax transmission to only one recipient.

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Sending a Fax after Speaking on Telephone

If you want to speak to the recipient before sending a fax, or if the recipient does not have a fax machine that can receive faxes automatically, send a fax manually after speaking to the recipient on the telephone to check whether he can receive faxes.


  • It may be possible that faxes will reach unintended recipients due to the misdialing or incorrect registration of fax/telephone numbers. When you send important documents, it is recommended that you send them after speaking on the telephone. See below for the procedure to send a fax manually.

  • With manual transmission, you cannot use the Platen Glass to load documents. Load the documents in the ADF.

    When loading document on the Platen Glass, send a fax with automatic transmission. For details on the procedure to send a fax automatically, refer to Faxing.

  • To speak to the recipient before sending a fax, you need to connect a telephone to the machine. Refer to your setup manual for instructions on how to connect the telephone to the machine.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the FAX button.

    The Fax standby screen is displayed.

  3. Load documents in the ADF.

  4. Adjust the scan contrast and resolution as necessary.


    • For details on how to adjust the scan contrast and resolution, refer to Faxing.

  5. Lift the handset of the telephone connected to the machine.

  6. Use the telephone to dial the recipient's fax/telephone number.

  7. Speak to the recipient.

    When you hear a high-pitched signal instead of the recipient's voice, you cannot check whether the recipient can receive faxes. If you want to stop sending the fax, replace the handset. If you want to send the fax, go to step 9.

  8. Ask the recipient to set the recipient's fax machine to receive faxes.

  9. When you hear a high-pitched signal, press the Color button or the Black button.

    Press the Color button for color transmission, or the Black button for black & white transmission.


    • Color transmission is available only when the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.

  10. Hang up the handset.


    • To cancel a fax transmission, press the Stop button. To cancel a fax transmission while it is in progress, press the Stop button, then follow the instructions on the LCD.

    • If documents remain in the ADF after the Stop button is pressed while scanning is in progress, Document in ADF. Press OK to eject document. is displayed on the LCD. Press the OK button and follow the instructions on the LCD to automatically feed out the remaining documents.

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Security control

  • FAX number re-entry

    If you select ON, you can set the machine to send faxes after using the Numeric buttons to dial the number twice. By using this setting, you can avoid the mistransmission of faxes.

  • Check RX FAX information

    If you select ON, the machine checks whether the recipient's fax machine information matches the dialed number. If it matches the number, the machine starts to send faxes.

  • Hook key setting

    If you select Enable, you can use the Hook button.

  • FAX reception reject

    If you select ON, the machine rejects the reception of faxes with no sender information or faxes from specific senders.

  • Caller rejection

    If you subscribe to the Caller ID service, the machine detects the sender's Caller ID. If the sender's ID does not match the conditions specified in this setting, the machine rejects the phone call or fax reception from the sender.

    If you select Yes on the subscribing confirmation screen, you can specify the settings of rejection.


Sending a Fax Using the Speed Dialing Feature

Registering recipient's fax/telephone number and name for coded speed dial or group dial enables you to send faxes easily.


  • It may be possible that faxes will reach unintended recipients due to the misdialing or incorrect registration of fax/telephone numbers. When you send important documents, it is recommended that you send them after speaking on the telephone. For details, see Sending a Fax after Speaking on Telephone.

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the FAX button.

    The Fax standby screen is displayed.

  3. Load documents on the Platen Glass or in the ADF.

  4. Adjust the scan contrast and resolution as necessary.


    • For details on how to adjust the scan contrast and resolution, refer to Faxing.

  5. Press the Coded Dial button.

    The screen to select a coded speed dial code or a group dial code is displayed.

    figure: LCD


    • When Enter first letter is displayed on the LCD, you can search the recipient's name by sorting in alphabetical order and send the fax.

      To return to the screen to select the coded speed dial code or the group dial code, press the left Function button.

  6. Select a coded speed dial code or a group dial code.

    1. Use the UPDOWN button or the Numeric buttons to select a coded speed dial code or a group dial code.

      figure: LCD
    2. Press the OK button.

  7. Press the Color button for color transmission, or the Black button for black & white transmission.


    • Color transmission is available only when the recipient's fax machine supports color faxing.


  • To cancel a fax transmission, press the Stop button. To cancel a fax transmission while it is in progress, press the Stop button, then follow the instructions on the LCD.

  • If documents remain in the ADF after the Stop button is pressed while scanning is in progress, Document in ADF. Press OK to eject document. is displayed on the LCD. Press the OK button and follow the instructions on the LCD to automatically feed out the remaining documents.

  • In case the machine was not able to send a fax, such as when the recipient's line was busy, it has the function to automatically redial the number after a specified interval. Automatic redialing is enabled by default.

    Automatic Redialing

    To cancel automatic redialing, wait until the machine starts redialing, then press the Stop button.

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