Faxing Documents from Computers (MF4570dw)
Article ID: ART111680 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Faxing Documents from Computers


Faxing Documents from Computers

Faxing (PC Fax)

The procedure for faxing a document created in application is as follows.


Faxing methods may differ depending on the application you are using. For details, see the instruction manuals provided with the application.

1. Select [Print] from the [File] menu of the application.

2. Select your fax from [Name], and then click [Print] (or [OK]).

3. Specify the send address in the [Fax Sending Settings] dialog box.

When entering the destination name and fax number:

3-A-1.Enter the recipient name and fax number in the [Sending Settings] sheet -> click [Add to Destination List].


If you have selected [Reenter Fax Number before adding Destination to [Destination List]] in the [Security Settings] dialog box of the [Special] sheet, the [Confirm Password] dialog box is displayed when you click [Add to Destination List]. For details, see the online help. (See "Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")

When setting the destination name from the address book:

3-B-1.Click [Address Book] in the [Sending Settings] sheet.

3-B-2.Select the recipient -> click [Add to List] -> [OK].


For details about registering addresses and how to use the address book, see the "e-Manual" (HTML manual) in the CD-ROM supplied with the machine.

4. If you want to attach a cover sheet, click [Cover Sheet] sheet -> specify a format for the cover sheet.


For details about cover sheet attachment, see "Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax)."

5. Click [OK].

Faxing begins.

  • If a printer icon is displayed in the task tray at the bottom right of your computer monitor, you can stop sending a fax from your computer. Double-click the printer icon -> click the name of the file you want to stop sending -> click [Document] -> [Cancel].
  • You cannot access or edit the address book if you do not have access permission (default: Power Users or higher) to the destination folder of the address book. If this is the case, log on as user having access permission to the folder, or click [Specify a Folder] in the [Edit Address Book] sheet, and specify a folder, such as the [My Documents] folder, that you have write permission for as the destination folder of the address book. For details, see the "e-Manual" (HTML manual) in the CD-ROM supplied with the machine.
  • The number of destinations that you can send to at one time depends on the conditions under which the cover sheet has been attached. For details, view the online help. (See "Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")
  • The display may differ according to the operating system and system environment.

Specifying the Default Fax Settings (PC Fax)

This section describes how to access the fax driver screen from [Control Panel] and how to specify the default fax settings.

You can edit address books, register cover sheet templates, set page formats, etc.


To change the default fax settings, you must log on to your computer as a member of the Administrators or Power Users group.

1. Click [ ] (Start) -> [Devices and Printers].

  • For Windows Vista, click [ ] (Start) -> [Control Panel] -> [Printers].
  • For Windows XP Professional/Server 2003, click [Start] -> [Printers and Faxes].
  • For Windows XP Home Edition, click [Start] -> [Control Panel] -> [Printers and Other Hardware] -> [Printers and Faxes].
  • For Windows 2000, click [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Printers].
  • For Windows Server 2008, on the [Start] menu, click [Control Panel] -> [Printers].

2. Right-click the icon of the fax whose settings you want to configure -> click [Printing preferences].

The fax driver screen includes the following sheets.

  • [Edit Address Book] sheet
  • [Register Cover Sheet] sheet
  • [Special] sheet

3. Specify the desired settings in the fax driver screen -> click [OK].

For details about the fax driver settings, view the online help. (See "Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")

  • When faxing, you can change the settings you configured beforehand. To change the settings, configure them from the application.
  • The display may differ according to the operating system and system environment.

Attaching a Cover Sheet (PC Fax)

To attach a cover sheet to the fax, follow the procedure below.

1. Click [Cover Sheet].


See "Faxing (PC Fax)" on how to display the fax driver screen.

2. Select an option for attaching the cover sheet from [Cover Sheet Attachment].

3. Select a template from [Style].

You can register a preferred cover sheet beforehand. For details, view the online help. (See "Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")

4. If you want to specify the items to include on the cover sheet, click [Settings].

If you do not specify the items to include on the cover sheet, proceed to step 10.

5. Select items you want to print on the cover sheet regarding the sender -> enter the information.


You can save the information entered in the [Sender] sheet in a file by clicking [Save Sender]. Then, when you send a fax, you can import the information by using [Import Sender], instead of entering the sender information each time you send a fax.

6. Click [Destination] -> select items you want to print on the cover sheet regarding the destination.


The information of the destinations specified in the [Sending Settings] sheet prints on the cover sheet.

7. Specify a logo or signature if necessary.

7-1.Click [Logo] or [Signature].

7-2.Select [Print with Logo] or [Print with Signature] to include a logo or signature on the cover sheet.

7-3.Click [Browse] -> specify the magnification and position of the selected logo or signature.

8. If you want to include the number of sheets that you are going to send in the cover sheet, click Sheets to Send] -> select [Include Number of Sheets to Send] -> specify the number of sheets.


The number of sheets is not counted automatically. The number which you entered manually is shown on the cover sheet.

9. Click [OK].

10. If you want to insert an attention note, select [Insert Attention Note] -> select a note from [Attention Note].

You can also enter the characters you want to insert. You can enter up to 30 characters.

Enter any other information in [Comment to Include] as necessary.

11. If you want to check the preview image on the cover sheet, click [Preview].

12. Click [OK].

The specified cover sheet is attached to the fax when the fax is sent.

  • The number of recipients to which you can send simultaneously depends on how a cover sheet is attached. For details, see the online help. (See "Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax).")
  • The display may differ according to the operating system and system environment.

Viewing the Online Help (PC Fax)

You can display the online help by clicking [Help] on the fax driver screen.

The online help includes additional information about each fax function. If the e-Manual does not provide the information you need, see the online help.


The display may differ according to the operating system, as well as the type and version of the printer driver.

1. Click [Help].

The online help is displayed.