How to use the SD Memory Card Access for the VB-M600D VB-M600VE VB-M700F
Article ID: ART112055 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


SD Memory Card Access

You can set the camera so that the following data is saved automatically to the camera's SD memory card.

  • JPEG images stored when HTTP or FTP upload failed during network errors
  • Log

Here is an explanation of how to access the data saved on the SD memory card.

Access to the SD Memory Card

Use FTP software (not bundled) to access the camera's IP address.

FTP Software Settings

Address: Camera IP address (factory default setting:

User ID: Adminstrator user ID (factory default setting: root)

Password: Administrator password (factory default setting: camera)

SD Memory Card Directory Configuration

The SD memory card is mounted as the directory name "CANON" under "/mnt/card" in the camera's memory.

Subdirectories are created as follows

JPEG Images Stored when Upload Fails

JPEG images that have failed to upload are saved under the file names "000.JPG" to "999.JPG" in subdirectories "00" to "99," which are created under "camera IP address/mnt/card/CANON/UPLOAD."

When either the storage capacity of the SD memory card or the number of files that can be saved in all subdirectories is reached, you cannot save to the SD memory card. In this case, use FTP software to download to a PC. Delete JPEG images no longer needed.

Log Files

Log files are saved in "Camera's IP address/mnt/card/CANON/LOG" with the file names "MSG" and "MSG.1" to "MSG.5". "MSG" is the latest log.

Log files can be downloaded to a PC using FTP software, but you can use the Log Viewer in Admin Tools as a simple way to view and download log files.


Canon will assume no liability for any accident or damage resulting from use of FTP software.