Image Stabilization Icons (PowerShot D30)

Article ID: ART115301 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Image Stabilization Icons (PowerShot D30)


Optimal image stabilization for the shooting conditions is automatically applied (Intelligent IS). Additionally, the following icons are displayed in [ ] mode.

Image stabilization for still images Image stabilization for movies, reducing strong camera shake, as when shooting while walking (Dynamic IS)
Image stabilization for still images when panning* Image stabilization for slow camera shake, such as when shooting movies at telephoto (Powered IS)
Image stabilization for macro shots (Hybrid IS) No image stabilization, because the camera is mounted on a tripod or held still by other means
* Displayed when you pan, following moving subjects with the camera. When you follow subjects moving horizontally, image stabilization only counteracts vertical camera shake, and horizontal stabilization stops. Similarly, when you follow subjects moving vertically, image stabilization only counteracts horizontal camera shake.

  • To cancel image stabilization, set [IS Mode] to [Off]. In this case, an IS icon is not displayed.



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