Scanning with the Start Button (CaptureOnTouch)

Article ID: ART116568 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


"Scanning shortcuts" are allocated to the scanner start button in advance. You can set frequently-used scans to the scanning shortcuts, and then allocate them to the start button.


Scanning with Start Button


"Scanning shortcuts" are allocated to the scanner start button in advance.

You can set frequently-used scans to the scanning shortcuts, and then allocate them to the start button.
If you place the dfocument and press the Start button, CaptureOnTouch starts and scanning starts.

- If the [Do not display the main screen when scan is started with the scanner button] checkbox is enabled in the Environmental settings, the main CaptureOnTouch window will not be displayed when a scan is started from the start button.
- If the [Do not display the main screen when the scan is started with the scanner button] checkbox is enabled in the Environmental settings, [Enable additional scan] and [Edit after scanning] will be displayed when scanning is started from the start button.

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