Printing Multiple Pages Continuously (iPF680/iPF685/iPF780/iPF785/iPF670/iPF770)
Article ID: ART117316 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Printing Multiple Pages Continuously (iPF680/iPF685/iPF780/iPF785/iPF670/iPF770)


You can print multiple pages as a single continuous image, without margins between pages.

  • Banner Printing

  • This feature is only available with rolls. It cannot be used when printing on sheets.
  • When using Banner Printing, some of the settings are disabled, including Borderless Printing, Enlarge/ Reduce Printing, and Layout.

Printing Multiple Pages Continuously (Windows)

This topic describes how to print multiple pages as a single continuous image, without margins between pages.
  • This feature is only available with rolls. It cannot be used when printing on sheets.
  • When using Banner Printing, some of the settings are disabled, including Borderless Printing, Enlarge/Reduce Printing, and Layout.

1.Choose Print in the application menu.
2.Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box.
3. Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.
4. In the "A" Media Type list, click the type of paper that is loaded.
5.Click the Page Setup tab to display the Page Setup sheet.
6.Select and click a roll paper in the "L" Paper Source list.
7.Click "N" Roll Paper Options to display the Roll Paper Options dialog box.
8.Select the "B" Banner Printing check box.
9.Click OK.
10.Confirm the print settings and print as desired.

Printing Multiple Pages Continuously (Mac OS)

This topic describes how to print multiple pages as a single continuous image, without margins between pages.
  • This feature is only available with rolls. It cannot be used when printing on sheets.
  • When using Banner Printing, some of the settings are disabled, including Borderless Printing, Enlarge/Reduce Printing, and Layout.

1.Choose Page Setup from the application menu to display the Page Attributes dialog box.
  • The configuration method varies depending on the OS and application software you are using.
If Page Setup is displayed in the application menu, the settings are configured by opening the Page Attributes dialog box from Page Setup.
If it is not displayed, the settings are configured in the upper part of the printer driver displayed when you select Print from the application software menu.

2.Select the printer in the "B" Format for list.
3.Choose the original size in the "C" Paper Size list.
4.Click "F" OK to close the dialog box.
5.Choose Print in the application menu.
6.Access the Main pane.
7.In the "A" Media Type list, click the type of paper that is loaded.
8.Make your selection in the "E" Print Target list.
9.Make your selection in the "F" Print Quality list.
10. Access the Page Setup pane.
11.Click Roll Paper (Banner) in the "A" Paper Source list.
12.Confirm the print settings, and then click "M" Print to start printing.