What to do if your camera does not focus on the subject.
Article ID: ART118209 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


What to do if your camera does not focus on the subject.


What to do if your camera has difficulty focusing.

Your camera may have difficulty focusing on the following types of subjects.

- Subjects with extremely low contrast

- Scenes with a mixture of close and distant subjects

- Subjects shot through glass.

The following information will assist you in achieving focus in these situations.

Aim the camera at object that is at the same focal distance as the main subject from the camera so that is centered in the viewfinder or in the AF frame displayed on the LCD monitor.

Press the shutter button halfway to set the focus.

Without releasing the shutter button, aim the camera at the main subject so that it is centered in the camera's viewfinder or in the LCD monitor.

Press the shutter button fully to shoot the main subject.