Explanation of the VIXIA HG10, HG20 and HG21 camcorders drop sensor
Article ID: ART118295 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Explanation of the VIXIA HG10, HG20 and HG21 camcorders drop sensor


The drop sensor detects when the camcorder is dropped or bumped and activates a protection mechanism to help prevent hard disk damage. While the mechanism is active, appears in red on the screen and playback/recording may stop. The option to turn it off is available only from the original index screen.

  • Keep this function set to [ON] in most situations. Deactivating this function can increase the likelihood of hard disk damage should the camcorder be dropped. Even if this function is set to [ON] and the camcorder is dropped, hard disk damage can occur.
  • You can set the drop sensor to [OFF ] to record while, for example, riding a roller coaster. If left set to [ON] and the protection mechanism activates, its operation noise may be heard and recording/playback may stop.
    - The drop sensor off icon [] will be displayed in the viewfinder/LCD display whenever the drop sensor is turned off.