Procedure for setting the flash modes PowerShot SX100 IS.
Article ID: ART118492 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Procedure for setting the flash modes PowerShot SX100 IS.


Using the Flash

Red-Eye Reduction

Slow Syncro

Use the flash according to the guidelines below. When in the camera AUTO mode if the flash is raised, only the Auto flash can be used, to disable the flash, lower the flash. Flash on is not selectable in AUTO.

1. Raise the flash manually.

2. Press the button to enable flash mode selection and to switch between flash modes. The selected flash mode appears on the LCD monitor.


The flash fires automatically as required by the light level.

Flash on

The flash fires with every shot.

Flash off

The flash will not fire.

3. When you are not using the flash, lower the flash until it closes.

Red-Eye Reduction

Setting the red-eye reduction lamp function to [On] causes the red-eye reduction lamp to fire with the lamp to fire along with the flash. It is useful in reducing the effect of light reflecting back from the eyes and making them appear red.

  • Light reflecting back from eyes can make them appear red when the flash is used in dark areas. Under these conditions, use the red-eye reduction mode. For this mode to be effective, the subject must be looking right at the red-eye reduction lamp. Try asking them to look directly at the lamp. Even better results can be obtained by increasing the lighting in indoor settings or approaching closer to the subject.
  • The shutter will not activate for approximately 1 second after the redeye reduction lamp fires in order to improve the effect. If you want a more immediate shutter response, set the flash to , or .

Procedure for enabling Red-Eye Reduction.

1. Go into Record Menu [Red-Eye] [On] / [Off].

Procedure for enabling Slow Syncro.

1. Go into Record Menu [] (Slow Syncro) [On] / [Off]. (Can only be set in Stitch Assist, P and Av modes).

- For Slow Syncro Flash mode, the use of a tripod is recommended.

  • When you use flash photography at higher ISO speeds, the chances of white streaks appearing in the image increase the closer you approach to the subject.
  • Since a slow shutter speed is selected in dark places when the flash is set to Off or Slow Synchro, take care to avoid camera shake.
  • The flash can be fired when the indicator lights a steady orange after pressing the shutter button halfway.
  • The flash may take up to approximately 10 seconds to charge. The recharging time will vary with such factors as the shooting conditions and battery charge. Shots cannot be taken while the flash is charging.
  • The flash fires twice. The main flash follows a pre-flash. The exposure reading obtained from the subject with the pre-flash is used to set the optimal flash intensity for the main flash, which is used to capture the image.
  • When using the flash for standard photography, be sure to shoot from a distance of at least 50 cm (1.6 ft.) away from your subject.