Setting and function of the print plug-in (Macintosh) Print History Details Dialog Box
Article ID: ART119238 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Setting and function of the print plug-in (Macintosh) Print History Details Dialog Box

This controls print history.

Print History
Print History appears in list format.

Print History Number Displays the print history number.
File Name Displays image file name.
Printed at Displays time and date of printing.
Comment Displays comment details.


  • Up to 100 print history items can be displayed. All items above 100 are deleted.
  • When you cannot print properly because you canceled the printing or an error occurred, appears to the left of the print history number.

The Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected print history.

Click this button to add the selected print history to preferences.

Up to 50 print preference items can be added.

The print history stored in print preferences displays in list format.

You can change the order by selecting an item and dragging it to another place.

The Import Button
Click this button to import print history saved as a file.

The Export Button
Click this button to save print history as a file that is stored in print preferences.

The Delete Button
Click this button to delete print history stored in print preferences.

Displays the print history settings selected from the Print History or Favorites.

Main When you select this the Main sheet settings are displayed.
Page Setup When you select this the Page Setup sheet settings are displayed.
Color Settings When you select this the Color Settings sheet settings are displayed.