Resend the document to a G3 fax machine
Article ID: ART119434 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 10/16/2015


Check with the other party and send the document to a G3 fax machine. If the other party does not have a G3 fax machine, try sending the document using a transmission mode the other party's fax machine supports.


Check with the other party and send the document to a G3 fax machine. If the other party does not have a G3 fax machine, try sending your document using a transmission mode the other party's fax machine supports (reduced tx start speed or no ECM).

  1. Press <Additional Functions>.

  2. Press <> or <> to select [9. SYSTEM SETTINGS], then press <OK>.

  3. Press <> or <> to select [2. COMMUNICATIONS], then press <OK>.

  4. Press <> or <> to select [1. TX START SPEED], then press <OK>.
    Available options: 33600bps, 14400bps, 9600bps, 7200bps, 4800bps, 2400bps

  5. Press <Stop/Reset> to return to the standby mode.


  1. Press <Additional Functions>.

  2. Press <> or <> to select [3. FAX SETTINGS], then press <OK>.

  3. Press <> or <> to select [3. TX SETTINGS], then press <OK>.

  4. Press <> or <> to select [1. ECM TX], then press <OK>.

  5. Press <> or <> to select [OFF], then press <OK>.

  6. Press <Stop/Reset> to return to the standby mode.