Hardware error. xxxxxxxx-xxxx (x represents a letter or number) Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.(iPF8000S/iPF9000S/iPF8100/iPF9100)
Article ID: ART119769 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Hardware error. xxxxxxxx-xxxx (x represents a letter or number) Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again.(iPF8000S/iPF9000S/iPF8100/iPF9100)

Corrective Action

Turn off the printer and wait at least three seconds before restoring power. However, keep the printer off and remove the roll if the last portion of roll paper was used during a print job and paper could not be advanced because the trailing edge is taped to the roll. If tape and the Belt Stopper have not been removed from inside the Top Cover , turn off the printer, open the Top Cover , and remove the tape and Belt Stopper before restoring power.

If the message is still displayed, write down the error code and message, turn off the printer, and contact your Canon dealer for assistance.