Sure Shot Z85 : How to adjust the zoom on the lens
Article ID: ART120064 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


How to adjust the zoom on the lens


You can use the wide-angle and telephoto zoom buttons while looking through the viewfinder to freely change the size of the subject's image

Wide-angle Zoom Button - The lens is set to 38mm wide-angle. This gives you a wider field of view. Use this for group pictures or landscapes

Telephoto Zoom Button - The lens is set to 85mm telephoto. This makes the subject's image larger. Use this for taking portraits of people.

  • If the lens is extended for approximately 4 minutes without use, the lens automatically withdraws into the camera and is set to the wide-angle (38mm) end. This is to protect the lens