580EX Speedlite : How to set flash ratio with E-TTL II.
Article ID: ART121116 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/29/2017


How to set flash ratio with E-TTL II.


Flash Ratio with E-TTL II

With on sender unit and on receiver unit or two receiver groups, you can set the flash ratio for E-TTL II autoflash shooting

The example below has two receiver units and the sender unit disabled from firing.


Setting the receiver Units

Two receiver units can be assigned to different receiver groups by setting a receiver ID.

  1. Set the wireless mode to <receiver>
  2. Press the button so that <A> blinks
  3. Set the receiver ID
  • press the button
  • receiver ID <A> will be set
  • For the other receiver unit, do steps 1 and 2 and turn the dial to select <B>, then press the button
  • receiver ID <B> will be set.


Setting the sender Unit and Shooting

1. Set the wireless mode to <sender>

2. Disable the sender units flash firing

3. Press the button so that <RATIO> blinks
4. Select the flash , turn the dial to select <A:B> then press the button
5. Set the flash ratio, turn the dial to set the flash ratio

6. Set the camera and shoot, set the camera in the same way as with normal flash shooting.

  • With the EOS ELAN II / ELAN II E / 50 / 50E, EOS REBEL G/500N, EOS IX, EOS IX LITE/IX7, EOS REBEL 2000/300 and REBEL XS N/REBEL G II/EOS 3000N/66, the flash ratio cannot be set with multiple Speedlites
  • The flash ratio range of 8:1 ~ 1:1 ~ 1:8 is equivalent to 3:1 ~ 1:1 ~ 1:3 in stops (1/2-stop increments)
  • The flash ratio under the mark is shown in parentheses below the scale