Connecting the DC50 DVD camcorder to a television/VCR
Article ID: ART121166 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Connecting the DC50 DVD camcorder to a television/VCR


Playing Back on a TV Screen

Recording to a VCR

Before connecting the camcorder, in the menu select the [TV TYPE] setting according to the TV set to which you will connect the camcorder - [WIDE TV]: TV sets with 16:9 aspect ratio or [NORMAL TV]: TV sets with 4:3 aspect ratio.

  1. Turn off all devices before starting the connections.

  2. Connect the supplied STV-250N AV Cable to the camcorder's AV terminal and the audio terminals on the TV or VCR.
    - Connect the white plug to the white audio terminal L (left) and the red plug to the red audio terminal R (right).

  3. Connect the STV-250N AV Cable to the video terminal on the TV or VCR.
    Connect the yellow plug to the yellow video terminal (VIDEO).

  4. If connecting to a TV, set the input selector to VIDEO. If connecting to a VCR, set the input selector to LINE.

  • We recommend powering the camcorder from a household outlet.

Recording to a VCR

You can copy your recordings by connecting the camcorder to a VCR or a digital video device. For a connection diagram showing how to connect the camcorder to a VCR see above.

  1. Set the camcorder to play movies () and load a recorded disc.

  2. Connected device: Load a blank cassette and set the device to record pause mode.

  3. This camcorder: Locate the scene you wish to copy and pause playback shortly before the scene.

  4. This camcorder: Start the movie playback.

  5. Connected device: Begin recording when the scene you wish to copy appears. Stop recording when copying is complete.

  6. This camcorder: Stop playback.

  • We recommend powering the camcorder from a household power outlet.
  • The quality of the edited tape will be lower than that of the original.
  • By default, the on-screen displays will be embedded in the output video signal, but you can select to turn off the screen displays or select the data that will be displayed instead.