Rotating images using ZoomBrowser EX ver. 6.x
Article ID: ART123060 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Rotating images using ZoomBrowser EX ver. 6.x


Rotating images using ZoomBrowser EX ver. 6.x

This explains how to rotate images to the desired orientation. This is useful for images taken by holding the camera sideways (vertically).

By the default setting, rotating an image in ZoomBrowser EX changes (rotates) the image in the file on your PC you can choose to have the image rotated and saved in the new orientation.

How to rotate an image

  1. Select an image to rotate.

  2. Click (Rotate) from the tool bar in the viewer window.

  3. Choose the options desired from the following screen:

    * If [Rotate actual images] is checked the image is physically rotated and will be viewed elsewhere in the system as rotated, if left unchecked, the image will display rotated in ZoomBrowser only.
  • 90-degrees right is a clockwise rotation and 90-degrees left is a counterclockwise rotation.
  • There are two methods for rotating images. With the default setting, the original image is rotated.

Other ways of rotating images

  • Rotating multiple images
    • You can select multiple images by pressing and holding the [Ctrl] key and clicking on successive images or by pressing and holding the [Shift] key while clicking on images. You can rotate multiple images at once by selecting them and carrying out the rotation procedure.
  • Using the Menu to Rotate Images
    • Rotate images by selecting the image, clicking the [Edit] menu and selecting [Rotate Image] from the submenu and a direction of rotation.