Setting the White Balance on the XH A1 and XH G1 camcorders
Article ID: ART123684 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Setting the White Balance on the XH A1 and XH G1 camcorders


Setting the White Balance

Selecting an Automated White Balance Setting

Setting the Color Temperature

Setting a Custom White Balance

Recording with Preset Custom White Balance

The camcorder uses an electronic white balance process to calibrate the picture for accurate color display under different lighting conditions.

In addition to the fully automated mode, white balance modes include an indoor mode, an outdoor mode, a color temperature setting and two user-defined custom preset values.

White Balance Settings

Typical uses


Automated adjustments of white balance.


Bright sunlight - 5600o K


Incandescent light - 3200o K

K (Color temperature)

Setting depending on the hue of a specific lighting (2,800 - 12,000oK in 100oK increments)

Custom Preset A, B

Custom white balance setting variable 3200 - 5600o K.

Selecting an Automated White Balance Setting

Set the AWB switch to ON.

Selecting One of the Preset Modes

  1. Set the <POWER> dial to a recording program other than .

  2. Set the AWB switch to OFF and the WHITE BAL. switch to PRE.

  3. Set the WHITE BAL. PRESET switch to or .
    You can also fine-tune the preset / settings. Press the WHITE BAL. button so the preset icon starts flashing and the neutral value +/-0 appears next to it. Adjust the white balance with the K dial to a value between -9 and +9 and press the WHITE BAL. button again.

Setting the Color Temperature

  1. Set the <POWER> dial to a recording program other than .

  2. Set the AWB switch to OFF and the WHITE BAL. switch to PRE.

  3. Set the WHITE BAL. PRESET switch to K.
    The color temperature currently set will be displayed.

  4. Press the <WHITE BALANCE> button.
    The color temperature display will start flashing.

  5. Turn the K dial to set the desired color temperature.

  6. Press the <WHITE BALANCE> button again.
    The color temperature display stops flashing and stays on.

Setting a Custom White Balance

  1. Set the <POWER> dial to a recording program other than .

  2. Set the AWB switch to OFF and the WHITE BAL. switch to one of the custom presets, A or B.
    - and the corresponding letter will flash on the screen.

  3. Point the camcorder at a white object and zoom in until it fills the whole screen.
    - Keep the camcorder zoomed at the white object until step 4 is completed.

  4. Press the <WHITE BALANCE> button.
    The "" symbol and the corresponding letter will stop flashing and stay on when the setting is completed..

  • As long as the built-in rechargeable lithium battery is charged, the camcorder retains the custom white balance setting even if you turn it off.
  • When you have set the custom white balance:
    - Depending on the light source, "" may keep flashing. The result will still be better than with the auto setting.
    - When you have turned on/off the built-in ND-filter of the lens, reset the custom white balance.
  • Custom white balance may provide better results in the following cases:
    - Changing lighting conditions
    - Close-ups
    - Subjects in a single color (sky, sea or forest)
    - Under mercury lamps or certain types of fluorescent lights
  • The following custom preset settings take precedence, and will override the white balance set with the procedure above: The Color Matrix [CMX] setting, the 3 R/G/B Gain settings, and the 6 R/G/B Matrix settings.

Recording with Preset Custom White Balance

  1. Set the <POWER> dial to a recording program other than .

  2. Set the AWB switch to OFF and the WHITE BAL. switch to the desired custom preset, A or B.
    The preset custom white balance is activated.