List of error messages on LCD PowerShot SD870 IS and SD950 IS.
Article ID: ART124017 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 12/09/2015


List of error messages on LCD PowerShot SD870 IS and SD950 IS.


List of Messages

The following messages may appear on the LCD monitor.

Busy...Image is being recorded to, or read from, SD card.
No Memory cardYou attempted to shoot or replay images without a SD card installed.
Card Locked!The SD card is write-protected.
Cannot recordYou attempted to shoot an image without an SD card installed, or attempted to attach a sound memo to a movie.
Memory card errorSD card has experienced an anomaly.
Memory card fullSD card is too full to save more images or print settings.
Naming error!The file could not be created because there is a file with the same name as the directory that the camera is attempting to create, or the highest possible file number has already been reached. In the Rec. menu, please set [File No.] Reset to [On]. After you save all the images you wish to retain onto a computer, format the SD card. Please note that formatting will erase all the existing images and other data.
Change the battery packBattery charge is insufficient to operate the camera. Replace it at once with a charged one or recharge the battery pack.
No imageNo images recorded on SD card.
Image too largeYou attempted to replay an image larger than 5616 x 3744 pixels.
Incompatible JPEGYou attempted to replay an incompatible JPEG file.
RAWYou attempted to replay an image recorded in an incompatible RAW format.
Unidentified ImageYou attempted to replay an image that was recorded in a special format (proprietary format used by the camera of another manufacturer, etc.).
Cannot magnify!You attempted to magnify an image that was photographed with another camera, recorded in a different format, or edited on a computer.
Cannot rotateYou attempted to rotate an image that was photographed with another camera, recorded in a different format, or edited on a computer.
Incompatible WAVECannot attach sound memo to the image because the image has some sound file recorded in an inappropriate format.
Cannot register this image!You attempted to register an image recorded with another camera as a start-up image.
Cannot modify imageYou attempted to apply a My Colors effect to a movie or an image recorded in a different camera.
Cannot assign to categoryYou attempted to categorize an image recorded in a different camera.
Cannot ModifyCannot apply red-eye correction as no red-eye is detected.
Cannot transfer!When transferring images to your computer using the Direct Transfer menu, you attempted to select an image with corrupted data or an image taken with a different camera or data type. You may have also attempted to select a movie when [Wallpaper] was selected in the Direct Transfer menu.
Protected!You attempted to erase a protected image.
Too many marksToo many images have been marked for printing or for inclusion in a slide show. Cannot process any more.
Cannot complete!Could not save the print or transfer settings.
Unselectable image.You attempted to set the print settings for an non-JPEG file.
Cannot selectIn selecting the image range for categorizing via the My Category function, protecting images, erasing images, or specifying print settings, you selected a starting image with a file number higher than the last image or a last image with a file number lower than the starting image. Or, you specified more than 500 images.
Communication errorThe computer was unable to download the image due to the large amount of images (approx. 1000) stored on the memory card.
Lens error, restart cameraCamera detected an error while moving the lens and cut the power automatically. This error message may appear if you press on the lens while it is moving or turn on the camera in a dusty or sandy environment. Turn on the camera again and shoot or playback images. Take the camera to a service center if this message appears frequently because there may be a problem with the lens
Exx(xx: number) Camera malfunction. Turn the power off and then back on, then shoot and replay. A problem exists if the error code reappears. Note the number and contact our Canon Customer Support Help Desk. If an error code displays directly after taking a picture, the shot may not have been recorded. Check image in replay mode.
