Borderless printing not possible. Check roll position. (iPF8000S/iPF9000S/iPF8100/iPF9100)
Article ID: ART124163 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Borderless printing not possible. Check roll position. (iPF8000S/iPF9000S/iPF8100/iPF9100)


Corrective Action

The paper is loaded askew.Press the Load/Eject button and reload the paper.
Insert the roll firmly until it touches the flange of the Roll Holder .

If you press the Online button and continue printing, the document will be printed with a border.

The paper loaded is not compatible with borderless printing.Load paper compatible with borderless printing and try printing again. Paper you can use for borderless printing is restricted to particular types of paper and rolls of particular widths.
Because paper expands or contracts depending on the environment of use, it may become narrower or wider than the supported width for borderless printing.Use each type of paper only where the recommended environmental conditions are met.