Remove jammed paper from the sheet feeder- i475D / i470D
Article ID: ART124271 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Remove jammed paper from the sheet feeder- i475D / i470D


Untitled Document

Removing jammed paper

1. Pull out the jammed paper slowly from the paper output tray or the sheet feeder, whichever is easier.

Slowly pull out the paper from the output tray.

Slowly pull out the jammed paper from the sheet feeder.

2. When the paper cannot be drawn out by the methods in the previous step, try the following.

  1. Power the printer off, and then on again using the power button. The paper may come out automatically.

  2. If the paper does not come out automatically, power off the printer, open the front cover and then remove the paper.

    Caution: Do not touch the code strip, the shaft, or the flat cable. Touching the code strip may cause damage to the printer

<1> Code Strip

<2> Shaft

<3> Flat Cable

Note: If the output tray is closed and printing commences, the paper will jam and may cause a printer error, torn paper, or printer damage