Procedure to get the rebate or special offer that comes with my Canon digital video camera
Article ID: ART124561 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Procedure to get the rebate or special offer that comes with my Canon digital video camera


What are the procedures to get the rebate or special offer that comes with my Canon digital video camera?

The most effective advice that can be offered is to read the Terms and Conditions section of the rebate/special offer coupon and ensure that you comply with all requirements.

In particular, look for the following items:

  • Ensure that your purchase date falls within the effective period of the offer, and that the model you purchased is specifically named in the rebate/special offer.
  • Ensure that your purchase was from an Authorized Canon U.S.A. Digital Video Dealer, if so specified on the coupon. (Call 1-800-OK-CANON to find authorized dealers.)
  • Include ALL documentation required. This is normally the ORIGINAL UPC code cut from the product box, and a COPY of the sales receipt which MUST list the date of purchase and the model purchased.
  • Mail your coupon so that it will arrive before the final date for receiving the application listed on the coupon. This is normally one month after the last eligible purchase date.
  • Ensure that you use a valid street address for return of the rebate/promotional accessories. Applications with P.O. Box addresses will not be honored.

Make copies of all documents that you submit with the coupon.

Allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing of your application and receipt of the rebate/accessories.

For additional information, or to find the status of your application, you may go to or You will need the rebate program name, e.g., "Canon Zio Cardreader", and the product serial number or your first and last names as submitted on the rebate application.