Transfering still images with the Optura 200mc, Elura 40mc, Elura 50, ZR45mc, and ZR50mc
Article ID: ART124814 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Transfering still images with the Optura 200mc, Elura 40mc, Elura 50, ZR45mc, and ZR50mc


How do I transfer my still images to a computer?

How do I transfer my still images to a computer?

Still images may be downloaded to a computer in any of four ways with the ZR45MC/ZR50MC, GL2, OPTURA 200MC, or Elura 40MC. All of Canon's DV Camcorders are configured with a DV port conforming to IEEE-1394 specifications, so you may download video and still images using the optional DV Capture Kit. Second, Canon has available an optional floppy disk recorder, the FR-100, which allows you to upload still images to the FR-100 floppy drive, then transfer them to the computer from the floppy disk. Third, with the ZR45MC/ZR50MC, you can use an MMC/SD card reader to upload the still images from the MMC/SD card to the computer. Fourth, and easiest of all, is to install the USB driver from the included Canon Digital Video Solution Disk and download the still images from the MMC/SC card using the built-in USB port on the camcorder.