Deleting pictures from the CF card (PowerShot S100, S110)
Article ID: ART125337 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/16/2015


Deleting pictures from the CF card(PowerShot S100, S110)


How do I delete pictures from the CF card?

The images stored on the CompactFlash (CF) card in your camera can be deleted individually or all at once.

To delete individual images:

Set the Mode Switch to the Play position (left to arrowhead).

Press the MENU button.

Use the Left or Right button to select the Erase icon (trashcan on far left of menu icons). Press the SET button.

Images will be displayed full screen. Use the Left or Right button to select the image(s) you wish to delete. Press the SET button.

A confirmation message will be displayed. Use the Left or Right button to select OK, then press the SET button.

When all desired images have been erased, press the MENU button to exit the Erase option.

**Shortcut: With the camera in the Play mode and an image displayed on the LCD, the image can be erased by depressing and holding the SET button, then pressing the Left button. Confirm the deletion as above.

To delete all images:

Set the Mode Switch to the Play position (left to arrowhead).

Press the MENU button.

Use the Left or Right button to select the Erase All icon (trashcan second from left in menu icons). Press the SET button.

A confirmation message will be displayed. Use the Left or Right button to select OK, then press the SET button.

After all images have been erased, press the MENU button to exit the Erase option.