Creating One PDF File containing more pages then the maximum allowed sheets in the ADF-ICMF 4150

Article ID: ART125589 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Creating One PDF File containing more pages then the maximum allowed sheets in the ADF-ICMF 4150


Creating One PDF File containing more pages then the maximum allowed sheets in the ADF

You can scan two or more pages and make them into one PDF file.

1. Scan the first set of documents up to the ADF's maximum using the MF Toolbox.

2. Reopen the MF Toolbox

3. Select PDF (Add Page) as the file type.

4. Click Browse to select the file created originally.

5. Load the ADF up to its maximum capacity.

6. Press Start.

Repeat this process until all pages are scanned.



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