Reinstall the driver properly.
Article ID: ART128394 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


During installation of the printer driver on Mac OS 10.5, an error occurred. Here are a couple of possible examples:

  • The printer protocol was changed from LPD (Line Printer Daemon) to IPP (Internet Printing Protocol).
  • The CUPS driver was not selected (the default setting is Generic PostScript Printer).
  • The computer was unable to connect to the printer so it selected the iPF5000 as default.

In order to reinstall the printer correctly, you will need to remove the previous version of the printer installed. Simply make sure the printer is highlighted, and click on the "-" sign underneath the list of printers. Then click "OK" to confirm deletion.

Install the printer driver:

  1. Run the printer driver installer program.

  2. Open [System Preferences], [Print & Fax]. Click on the "+" sign underneath the list of printers.

  3. Input the host name or IP address.

  4. Click on the dropdown [Print Using....] and change it from [Generic PostScript Printer] to [Select a driver to use].

  5. Scroll through the list and choose the correct driver (ie. Canon iPFxxxx(CUPS)).

  6. Click "Add".