Accessories that are available for the SX7 / SX6 / SX60 / X700.
Article ID: ART128635 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Accessories that are available for the SX7 / SX6 / SX60 / X700.


Installing the Lens Cap

As shown in the illustration on the right, let the lens cap strap through the hole on the lens cap, and then the lens cap strap insertion hole.

  • When the projector is not in use, attach the lens cap to protect the lens from dust and other foreign objects.

Putting the Projector in the Carrying Bag

As shown in the illustration on the right, put the projector in the carrying bag with its lens faces sideway.

  • The lens may be damaged or its function such as zooming or focusing may be malfunctioned.
  • Never put the projector in the bag when the cooling fan is rotated.