Creating a new template category in PosterArtist 2008 (or later).
Article ID: ART129445 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


To create a new template category in PosterArtist, follow these steps.


To create a new template category in PosterArtist, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the [Artwork Manager] icon.

    The [Artwork Manager] window opens.

  2. Click on the [New Category] button.

  3. The folder name is now an editable field. Simply type in the name you want, and use your [Enter] key on your keyboard. The new template folder is created.

    NOTE: The newly created folder is a light gray color. This is because the folder is empty. Once a template is placed in this folder, it will then change to the normal black.

  4. Click the [OK] button to complete the process.

    NOTE: While the folder is empty, it will not be displayed under [My Templates] on the main page of PosterArtist. Once the folder has something inside it, it will then become visible under [My Templates].