Recommended actions to take when the " REMOVE THE CASSETTE " message appears on a MiniDV camcorder
Article ID: ART130548 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Recommended actions to take when the " REMOVE THE CASSETTE " message appears on a MiniDV camcorder


If the "REMOVE THE CASSETTE" message appears, the camcorder stops operating to protect the tape.
  • If the "REMOVE THE CASSETTE" message appears, remove the cassette and then start the operation from the very beginning.
  • If the "CONDENSATION HAS BEEN DETECTED REMOVE THE CASSETTE" message appears and the mark is blinking. After removing the videocassette, leave the cassette compartment open in a dry environment.
If these problems persist even after having attempted the solutions described above, please contact the nearest Canon service center.