Delete some recordings or initialize the VIXIA HF20, HF21, HF200, HF-S10, HF-S11 and HF-S100's built-in memory or memory card
Article ID: ART131153 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Delete some recordings or initialize the VIXIA HF20, HF21, HF200, HF-S10, HF-S11 and HF-S100's built-in memory or memory card


If the VIXIA HF20, HF200, HF-S10, or HF-S100's memory card or memory (HF20 and HF-S10 only) becomes full the camcorder will not respond when the Start/Stop button is pressed. Delete some recordings to free up space or initialize (format) the memory card/ memory to erase all recordings on the camcorder.

Be sure to copy any important recordings onto a computer or video recorder before deleting them or initializing the memory.

Initialize memory cards when you use them with this camcorder for the first time. You can also initialize a memory card or the built-in memory to permanently delete all the recordings it contains. Initializing the memory also eliminates memory fragmentation. Fragmentation becomes more serious as recordings are repeatedly added and deleted and can eventually result in reduced performance.

(HF20and HF-S10 only) At the time of purchase, the built-in memory comes pre-initialized and contains music files for use as background music during playback.

To initialize the memory follow the procedure detailed below.

  1. Press the [FUNC.] button.
  2. Move the joystick up or down to select [ MENU] then press [SET].
  3. Move the joystick to select [ TOOLS] then press [SET].
  4. Move the joystick to select [INITIALIZE] then select either the built-in memory (HF20 and HF-S10 only) or the memory card you want to initialize and press [SET].
  5. Choose the initialization method ([INITIALIZE] Clears the file allocation table but does not physically erase the stored data. or [COMPL. INIT.] Erases all data completely.) then press [SET].
  6. Select [YES] and then [OK] to start the process.
  7. When the camcorder has finished press the [FUNC.] button.
  • Initializing the memory will permanently erase all recordings. The lost original recordings cannot be recovered. Make sure you back up important recordings in advance using an external device.
  • While initializing, do not disconnect the power source or turn off the camcorder.
  • When the memory is initialized, music files will be erased as well. Use the supplied software Music Transfer Utility to transfer music files from the supplied Music Data CD-Rom to the camcorder.
  • (HF20 and HF-S10 only) The Music Data CD-Rom includes extra music tracks that were not pre-installed in the built-in memory.
  • Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter before initializing the memory. While the initialization is in progress, do not disconnect the power source or turn off the camcorder.