How to set and use the Custom Function Settings "C.Fn" on the 430EX II Speedlite
Article ID: ART131203 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


How to set and use the Custom Function Settings "C.Fn"


You can customize Speedlite features to suit your preferences. Do it with Custom Functions.
1. Press and hold the button for 2 sec. so that <C.Fn> is displayed

2. Select the Custom Function No.

  • Press the button to select the Custom Function number

3. Change the setting

  • Press the button
  • The Custom Function number and setting number will blink
  • Press the button to select "0" or "1" then press the button
  • After you set the Custom Function and press the <MODE> button, the camera will be ready to shoot

Custom Function Settings

C.Fn-02-113: Convenient when you want to use the depth-of-field preview button to check the depth of field.

C.Fn-08: If the Speedlite or camera's AF-assist beam is disabled, the AF-assist beam will not be emitted.

C.Fn-14: You can change the information displayed on the LCD panel when the shutter button is pressed halfway. This function can be set only with Type-A cameras.