Installing the ExtaKit using Compatibility Mode in Windows 7.
Article ID: ART131496 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Follow these directions to install the ExtraKit using Compatibility Mode in Windows 7.


Follow these directions to install the ExtraKit using Compatibility Mode in Windows 7:

  1. Open the ExtraKit folder (.../WinXP_2K/Extra) in the driver installer.

  2. Right-click "setup.exe", and choose [Properties].

  3. The [setup Properties] dialog box appears. Click on the [Compatibility] tab, and choose [Run this program in compatibility mode] .

  4. Double-click on [setup.exe] to launch the ExtraKit installer.

  5. Once the installer has finished, go to the folder in which the ExtraKit is installed (C:\Program Files\Canon\iPFxxx Printer Driver Extra Kit, by default).

  6. Right-click on [iPRLyot.exe] (the FreeLayout execution file) and select [Properties].

  7. The [iPRLyot Properties] dialog box will appear. Click on the [Compatibility] tab and choose [Run this program in compatibility mode for].

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the file [iRCort.exe] (iR Enlargement Copy execution file).