How to Access the Setting Menu in the VB-C60 software (Overview)
Article ID: ART132537 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


How to Access the Setting Menu in the VB-C60 software (Overview)


Access the Setting Menu

Click 2 Setting Page to move to the setting page for detailed settings.

Access the Sample Pages

Click 3 Sample Page to access the sample pages.

You can view three types of sample pages: still image, video, and image for mobile phone.

Access the VB-C60 Viewer

Click the "Admin Viewer" or "VB Viewer" link under 4 "VB-C60 Viewer" to access the VB-C60 viewer.

User Authentication for Accessing the Setting Menu or Admin Viewer

User authentication is required to access the "Setting Menu" or "Admin Viewer".

The factory default setting is as follows.

User name : root

Password : VB-C60

The user name "root" is the Administrator account of VB-C60


  • When Administrators and Authorized users use the VB-C60 viewer on the same PC, it is strongly recommended not to check the "Remember my password" checkbox.
  • Be sure to enter the correct user name and password. If entering a wrong one, try again with the correct name and password.
  • Be sure to change the Administrator password for system security. Do not forget the new password.
  • If you forgot the Administrator password, press the camera's reset switch to restore the factory default setting. However, note that all settings are restored to the factory default settings.
  • If you need to delete sample pages for security reasons, be sure to access the following path using FTP and copy the files to PC or other devices for backup, before deleting.

Path to the Japanese version sample: /mnt_flash/www/html/sample/

Path to the English version sample: /mnt_flash/www/html/sample/

To restore deleted sample pages, you need to write back the copied files to the above path. So, be sure to back up the files before deleting sample pages.