How do I setup Motion Detection in the software for the VB-C60
Article ID: ART132729 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/28/2015


How do I setup Motion Detection in the software for the VB-C60


Motion Detection Setting Tool

This tool is to set up motion detection function, which uploads images, notifies to viewers and logs events, when the captured object moves, causing a change to occur in the video image. You can set the position and size of motion detection areas, and the conditions to judge the timing of motion detection with viewing the video from the camera.

The levels of motion detection determine how great the variation must be (sensitivity), how large the changed area must
be as a proportion of the whole detection area (proportion), and how long the variation must continue (duration) before it is
ecognized as motion and the specified action is performed


Notes on Using This Function

The Motion Detection function is not suitable for conditions where high reliability is required. It is not recommend using this
function in situations where high reliability is required, such as for monitoring purposes. Canon accepts no liability whatsoever
for faults, etc. resulting from the use of the Motion Detection.

Motion Detection Setting Tool Display Screen (Live Mode)

1. Load Motion Detection button - Loads the motion detection settings of VB-C60.

2. Save Motion Detection button - Saves the current motion detection settings edited with this tool. After setting
the motion detection, be sure to use "Save Motion Detection" to save the setting values to VB-C60.

3. Live Mode tab (Live/Recorded Video) -

  • Live - Displays the video image and controls the camera. You can also record the displayed video image.
  • Video - You can set the conditions to judge the timing of motion detection with playing video from the camera.

4. Camera Selection box - Displays the name of the camera that is currently connected.

5. Viewer - Displays the video image and controls the camera.

6. Motion detection area frame - Shows the area covered by the motion detection with a dotted-line frame. The frame
can be resized and moved by the dragging the mouse.

7. Rec. Start button - Starts recording of the video.

8. Enable motion detection of the camera - Check this option to enable the Motion Detection function.

9. Setting tab (Camera/Area)

  • Camera tab -Set the frame rate and preset position
  • Area tab - Select the area for which the motion detection is enabled and set the sensitivity, size and duration for each area.

10. Display motion detection status of the camera - Check the checkbox to display the motion detection status.

Motion Detection Settings Procedure

This section briefly describes the of motion detection setting procedure. For more details of settings, refer to each reference page.

1. Start Motion Detection Setting Tool

The Motion Detection Setting Tool window is displayed ("Motion Detection Tool Display Screen" Settings for motion detection are available in the Setting tab on the right side of the screen. There are two setting tabs available: "Camera" tab and "Area" tab.

2. Set the frame rate and camera direction  
3. Set the detection area  
4. Set the conditions to judge of motion detection at what degree of change in video, motion is detected  
5. Save the settings  


  • Video is displayed in 160x120 and black and white in the viewer of Motion Detection Setting Tool, regardless of settings of the camera.
  • In the "Area" tab, you can set the conditions to judge the timing of motion detection with viewing the video from the camera. In the "Video" tab, you can set the conditions of judgment with viewing video recorded in "Live" tab
  • Motion Detection function
  • When setting for motion detection, be sure to test the actual performance and check if it properly detects motion.
  • Please note that motion detection may not work properly when capturing rapidly moving subjects or in dark conditions.
  • Motion detection may wrongly detect motion because of light, wind or other changes in the subject.

Set Up Motion Detection

1. Enable motion detection

Check the "Enable motion detection of the camera" check box.

2. Set the frame rate and camera position ("Camera" tab)

Set the camera's frame rate and position.

The camera position can be set to a desired position using
the viewer for live video, or you can select a preset in the "Camera" tab. You need to set the preset settings using
Preset Setting Tool in advance

1.Enable frame rate setting - Check the checkbox, so that you can set the frame rate value for motion
detection. Enter the value in the range of 0.5-30.0 fps.

2.Enable preset selection - Check the checkbox, so that you can select a preset for the camera position.



The setting value of "Maximum Frame Rate: Image Transmission " should be larger than the frame rate set in this tool.


  • The set frame rate may not be achieved when the network is overloaded.
  • When a lower frame rate is set, the motion detection is applied to images extracted from the captured video.
    This enables detecting of objects in slow motion.
  • The frame rate set here is applied to the motion detection only.
  • Presets, which are set out of the view restriction area, are not displayed in the preset list.

3. Set the detection area ("Area" tab)

Up to 4 detection areas can be created. Each area can be resized and moved by dragging the frame. To resize the frame,
drag ? on four corners of the frame. To move the frame, drag the frame by clicking in the frame. You need to set the sensitivity
for each area separately. With VB-C60, you can adjust the motion detection sensitivity with viewing video, recorded in the "Live" tab

1. Motion Detection Area - Check a detection area to be used, and the detection area frame is displayed in the viewer. Up to 4 detection areas can be created.

2. Selected area - When you create multiple motion detection areas, you can set the detection sensitivity for each area frame separately.

3. Sensitivity - Set the detection sensitivity in the range of 1-256. Drag the slide bar to set the value. Set a higher value to detect with a high sensitivity.

4. Auto button - Click "Auto" to automatically set the sensitivity for motion detection. The camera detects motion when changes in the subjects in the detection area are bigger than the set sensitivity. Click the button when there is no motion in the detection area.

5. Detection indicator - The level of detected motion is indicated in the graph in real time.

6. Size - If the ratio of the selected detection area (blue solid line frame) to the area where the VB-C60 detects motion (displayed in a red or yellow rectangle) exceeds the value set here, the status of the VB-C60 becomes "Detected" . However, even when the set ratio is exceeded the value set in Size, the "Detected" status does not effective if the duration set in "Duration" is not reached. Drag the slide bar to set the size in the range of 0-100%.

7. Duration - When changes in the video image in the detection area meet the conditions set in 3 "Sensitivity" and 6 "Size" and continue for the value set in "Duration", the status of theVB-C60 becomes "Detected". "Duration" is normally fixed at "0.2". However, the "Details" check box is checked, you can set the value by directly entering the value or dragging the slide bar in the range of 0-5 seconds.

8. Details - When the checkbox is checked, you can set the values for Sensitivity", "Size" and "Duration" by entering numeric values. When unchecked, "Duration (sec.)" is fixed at "0.2"


  • Even if changes occur in the video image in the detection area during viewing the viewer, the VB-C60 does not recognize it as "motion" if the sensitivity is set to a low level. In addition, even when you increase the sensitivity, unless the size of the area where a motion is detected within the area frame and the duration of the motion meet the set values, the status of the VB-C60 does not become "Detected".
  • You can also select the detection area to set by clicking it in the viewer. The selected detection area frame is displayed in a blue solid line frame.
  • When Selected area is set to "Not specified", the detection statuses of all of the detection areas you have created can be displayed simultaneously. Clicking on a location for which no area frame is set in the viewer can display them in the same manner.

4. Check the motion detection status of the camera

Check "Display motion detection status of the camera" to confirm the status of the motion detection with the settings you have configured. The motion detection status is displayed using one of the following icons.

You cannot save the settings with "Display motion detection status of the camera" checked. Clear the check to save the settings.


  • Because the video distribution frame rate may be lowered when the data is sent via a proxy server, connection without using a proxy server is recommended while setting the motion detection.
  • It is recommended that the detection sensitivity is set under condition close to actual operation condition as much as possible.


  • The "Motion detected (peak block display)" and "Display motion detection status of the camera" displays in this tool, and the actual detection status of the VB-C60 may not match perfectly.
  • When the Motion Detection function of the VB-C60 is enabled, the processing load on the VB-C60 becomes high, and therefore the video distribution frame rate may decrease compared to when it is disabled.
  • Select "Edit" "Copy sensitivity settings" from the menu bar to copy setting values of Sensitivity, Size, and Duration (sec.) of each detection area, which is checked ([1]~[4]) at that point. After that, check other area ([1]~[4]), then select "Edit" "Paste sensitivity settings" again, so that the copied setting values are pasted to the checked area.

5. Click "Save Motion Detection" to save the settings


Set the Sensitivity with checking Recorded Video

It is effective to adjust the setting values with viewing the actual motion in the viewer when setting the sensitivity on which the status of the VB-C60 becomes "Detected". In the VB-C60, you can set the motion detection sensitivity with viewing the video recorded in the "Live" tab so you do not need to repeatedly make motions in front of the camera.

1. Select "Tools" "Video recording options" from the menu bar, and the Video recording options dialog is displayed

1. Maximum recording time - Set the maximum recording time in the range of 60-300 seconds.

2. Self-timer - Set the duration to start recording after the "Rec. Start" button is clicked. Set it in the range of 0-30 seconds.

2. Adjust the camera position and click "Rec. Start" in the "Live" tab Recording of the video displayed in the viewer starts. Make some motions in front of the camera to record a video to be used for setting the motion detection sensitivity.

Click the stop button to stop recording.

3. Adjust the sensitivity in the "Area" tab with checking the video in "Video" tab

1. List of recorded video - A list of recorded video is displayed.

2. Delete button - You can delete the video selected in the list.

3. Control buttons - "Move to Start", "Rewind", "Play", "Fast Forward", and "Move to End" from the left. Check "Loop playback" to play the video repeatedly.