How to transfer video to your computer - VIXIA HG10
Article ID: ART135974 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


How to transfer video to your computer.


Follow the steps below to connect the camcorder to you computer:

  1. Turn on the computer.
  2. Make sure the camcorder is turned off.
  3. Connect the camcorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
  4. Plug the compact power adapter into an electrical wall outlet or power strip and then connect it to the camcorder.
  5. Turn on the camcorder.
  6. Set the camcorder to Playback mode
  7. Open the LCD screen on the camcorder.
  8. When the USB select screen appears on the camcorder's display, select PC/PRINTER.


Use the software on the supplied Backup Utility CD-ROM or Corel Application Disc software to transfer data between the camcorder and the computer.

For Support concerning Corel Application Disc, please call one of the customer support centers (877) 662-6735 or access the

support services online at  Canon- related customer support centers cannot provide support regarding software

in the Corel Application Disc CD-ROM.