MCT - Switching Media Types Display Show/Hide (Mac OS X)
Article ID: ART136399 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 10/30/2015


Follow these steps to switch the media type display.


  1. Open the Edit Media Types dialog box.

    •  For details on the procedure for opening the Edit Media Types dialog box, see "Editing Media Type Information for Genuine Paper and Feed Confirmed Paper."

  2. In the Media Type list, select the name of the media to switch off or on for display. Click the Show/Hide button. The selected paper is alternately shown or hidden.

    •  You can select multiple paper.
    •  The names of media switched for non-display appear grayed out in the Media Type list.
    •  Each time you click the Show/Hide button, the display mode cycles from showing the printer driver and printer panel, to hiding the printer driver and printer panel, and then to showing only the printer panel.

  3. In the Edit Media Types dialog box, click the Update button.

  4. The Confirm Update dialog box is displayed. Configure Update Target and click the Execute button. Communication with the printer begins.

    •  You should normally select Update the printer control panel and printer driver.

    •  When setting a data to the printer that differs from the data to be updated, the selected media information file is updated. When you would like to remain the data that is set to the printer, click the Cancel button.
    •  Do not attempt to print or turn the printer off while the program is communicating with the printer.

  5. Click the OK button.