Free Layout - Preferences Dialog Box (Windows)
Article ID: ART136567 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 10/30/2015


This dialog box appears when you select Preferences from the FIle menu.



This dialog box appears when you select Preferences from the File menu. This allows you to configure the preferences of Free Layout.

Set the unit for paper length, margins, and so on.

You can input a grid line width value in numerical characters so that they serve as a guide to laying out objects.
•  You can input between 10.0 and 200.0(mm) (between 0.39 and 7.88(inch)). •  You can change the numbers by clicking either button or button.

You can change the number of divisions of grid lines so that they serve as a guide to laying out objects.
•  You can input between 1 and 10. •  You can change the numbers by clicking either button or button.

Grid Color
Select the grid line color.

Auto Arrange Spacing
Change the object-to-object spacing to be applied in the operation of laying out objects automatically.
•  You can input between 0.0 and 100.0(mm) (between 0.00 and 3.94(inch)). •  You can change the numbers by clicking either button or button.

Object Frame Style
You can select the object frame style for printing. The following settings are available for the object frame style.
NoneYou can print with no frame style.
Solid LineYou can print the solid line as the frame style.
Dotted LineYou can print the dotted line as the frame style.
Dashed LineYou can print the dashed line as the frame style.
Crop MarksYou can print with the crop marks.